Team Capacity Calculator v3.0
Record, Save and Compare Your Team's Current Sprint Capacity With Other Sprints
Hey Friends 👋
As per your feedback, the new Team Capacity Calculator v3.0 is here. Now you don’t have to:
pull up a spreadsheet that hasn't been updated for long
try to remember who's on vacation next sprint
guess based on "what your team did last time"
hope nobody questions the numbers
All of this is fixed in the v3.0.
If you try to juggle complex capacity calculations in your head—while also running the sprint planning meeting, managing stakeholder expectations, and keeping your team engaged, this tool can help.
What makes v3.0 different from other versions?
no more Excel sheets to take care of
ability to save and load any number of sprint capacities on your local computer
ability to add/remove team members
ability to add/remove specializations (Dev, QA, UX, etc.)
ability to export the data to open on a different browser
ability to compare current capacity with capacities of previous sprints
How do you get access?
It is available for free to all the paid members of Winning Strategy. You can access the weblink using the community chat (linked below).
If you are new here: This newsletter shares insights gained from real-world experiences that I gathered working at Twitter, Amazon, and now as an Executive Product Coach at one of North America's largest banks. Plus, you get access to free productivity tools every month. If you’d like to become a paid member, see the benefits here, and feel free to use this expense template to ask your manager.